pelvic floor
what is function disorder?
symptoms and treatment
Pelvic floor dysfunction has three different types;
Underactive pelvic floor muscles, overactive pelvic floor muscles and non-functional pelvic floor muscles. Generally, the function disorder that we came across with patients is overactive pelvic floor muscles. In this disorder, pelvic floor muscles are over spasmodic and they cannot be relaxed, therefore they cannot work properly. We can think about this as neck stiffness. When our neck is stiffed, we cannot move our head properly, we get spasms and it becomes very hard to relax. So, our neck does not function correctly. Pelvic floor does not function as it is required so; continence, micturition, excrete and encopresis, disorders in sexual functions may occur, furthermore, there can be even various pain syndromes.

If there is an overactive pelvic floor, there is a false perception that the pelvic floor muscles are too strong. However, it means that all muscles with impaired function have lost their strength and must be strengthened. However, going directly to strengthening without treating excessive activity in the muscles will worsen the situation. Therefore, pelvic floor exercises should be done under the control of an experienced pelvic floor physiotherapist.
The main problems caused by pelvic floor dysfunction are urinary incontinence, incontinence, constipation, sexual dysfunction and chronic pelvic pain.
- Vertebral colon
- Sacrum
- Pelvis (ilium)
- Pelvic floor muscles (levator ani etc.)
- Muscles that attach to the pelvis (gluteus max, priformis etc.)
- Abdomen
- Legs
- Functions of intestines
- Functions of bladder (urine bag)
- Sexual functions are directly affected.
Situations in pelvic floor dysfunction;
- Pelvic pain (the pain that occurs on venter, hip and inguen and lasts more than 6 months and that is not related to menstrual periods)
- Urinary incontinence (enuresis)
- Fecal incontinence (encopresis)
- Chronic constipation
- Having pain while sitting (pain in tail end, (coxodynia), pudental neuralgia and pain in genital area)
- Menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea)
- Painful sexual intercourse (dyspareunia)
- Pain related to endometriosis (chocolate cyst disorder)
- Genital pain (vulvodynia (burning in the genital area etc.) vestibula)
- Pain in lower waist and hip during pregnancy
- Post-pregnancy waist and pelvic area pain
- Abdominal muscle segmentation after pregnancy (diastasis recti)
- Painful bladder syndrome
- Repetitive urinary system infection (due to inability to empty the bladder completely)
- Vesicoureteral reflux (leakage of urine to kidneys).